
I love this time of year, when we can mindfully draw the past twelve months to a close, and clean the slate ready for the fresh new year about to begin. How was this year for you, creatively speaking? Did you unleash your inner artist, take some baby steps, or did it feel like a bit of an uphill battle?

This year marked a stepping up for me in terms of the work I’m doing in the world. The birth of the Creative Spark ecourse last autumn meant that to offer it to the people who would benefit most from it, I’d have to up my game and begin to share more widely useful ideas and inspiration, starting here on the blog. I’m so glad that happened, because asking myself ‘how can I be more useful?’ has brought me new friends, new ideas and big leaps forward.

It’s a continual learning curve, and one I love {mostly!}. I’ve enjoyed the challenge of really digging deep to respond to questions, or offer ideas and approaches that might support you on your creative path. And over the past year I am happy to have written some pieces I feel do that.

If you’re relatively new here, you might like to dip into some of the following posts from the past twelve months, and if you’re not, you may yet find something you haven’t seen before, or enjoy being re-inspired by an idea. I’ve picked some of the best posts around encouraging easier creative living.

May you be creatively inspired to begin afresh and take your art forward in 2015!


Is one of these holding you back? :: 5 myths that stop us from making art

On defining your own version of success as a creative person :: What makes a ‘real’ or ‘successful’ artist?

Something for everyone in this list! :: 50 ways to be more creative in your daily life

Take it from one who knows 😉 :: 7 art tips for procrastinators

Because reminders help us to get beyond the blocks :: 21 things to love about making art

Often underestimated, but key to creative thriving :: Your creative team: why you need one and how to find it

Sometimes we need an easy way in :: 13 ways to start a project

Because people often feel like it does :: Making art you love doesn’t have to be hard

Something I’m deeply interested in; creating your own path :: 36 ways to draw a tree: a perspective on finding your own answers

Because you can make art anywhere {almost} :: How to make an ‘on the go’ art kit

A real life demo video of me effing up a painting :: When experiments in the studio go wrong

A collaborative post, with words of wisdom from everyday creative people :: How to find time for art in a busy life

And sometimes I write poems 🙂 :: When the desire is there but everything else is louder


I love to write, but this isn’t all about me! If you have questions, please feel free to email me any time and I will add them to my list for upcoming posts, as well as responding to you personally. No question is too small or too silly; I guarantee if you’re wondering, so is someone else! {Or a lot of someone elses.}

Thank you for being here. It’s a genuine delight to receive comments or emails and connect with creative people around the world. I’m so excited about the year ahead, and if we haven’t already done so, I look forward to meeting your beautiful creative self!

Do you have plans for your inner artist next year? I’d love to hear about them!

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