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Questions + Answers

I'm a newbie to art/coming back to it after a long hiatus, and feeling quite overwhelmed about where to start. What do you suggest?

Hooray! Special artist high fives to you 👩🏼‍🎨🙌 – you’re at the start of one of most meaningful and fulfilling journeys you can take in life.

And I get it – there’s a LOT to choose from out there, and a lot of exciting things available to try these days.

I would suggest starting with something low investment, and I mean in terms of time and supplies, as well as money.

In fact, I set up Fresh Start for artists just like you – wanting to restart after a long time away, or beginners who want to start with some basics. For just $7 a month, you get:

– Access to two courses specifically designed to get you up and running again with your art

– The option to submit any questions for me to answer in a monthly Q&A video

– Weekly email tips and advice you can take into your creative space

It’s light touch but regular support as you find your feet again. Click here to find out more.

My final suggestion is take your time and allow it to be an ongoing process. Expecting to make art you love from the get go is sometimes a tall order, and even the most experienced artists make art they think is crap sometimes. It’s part of the process, not a sign that you’re on the wrong track. Stick with it! If you’re hearing the call, it’s in you.

I'd like to take one of your courses. How do I know which one is right for me?

Yay! And great question! 

Best is to use the form above to tell me a bit about where you’re at with your art and what you’d like to be doing. Include anything you feel is relevant, like any particular sticky areas or things you’re finding difficult or frustrating {or easy!}. Feel free to let me know which, if any, of my offerings you’ve been considering. Then I can make suggestions tailored specifically to you!

I can't log into a course I purchased

If you’re having trouble logging in, there are two main reasons why this is happening:

  1. You’re trying to do so with a different email than the one you signed up to the course with. Double check for typos!
  2. You need to clear your cookies and/or cache. << This is the most common issue! Please clear your cache first and see if that works.

Doing one or both of these usually solves the problem. If not, use the form above to contact us and we’ll help you sort it out!

Do you offer in person workshops?

At the moment my work is all online; that’s what works best for both those around the world who like to take my courses and for me as a hardcore introvert. 😊

Will you critique my painting?

Unfortunately it’s not possible for me to offer individual painting feedback outside of my courses or the Happy Artist Studio membership.

Here’s an exercise that might help you move forward if you’re stuck right now.

Set a timer for two minutes. Start the timer and paint continuously for two minutes, irrespective of negative internal backchat or not ‘knowing what you’re doing’. Just paint.

When the two minutes are up, start the timer again and this time step back and just look for two minutes. Stay open, look at each part of the painting and listen for your next move. When those two minutes are up, do whatever came to you during the looking time. Usually it’s something very simple; ‘put a line here’, ‘put white there’. Don’t expect detailed instructions or logic!

Feel into the process as much as you can. Keep switching back and forth between these two modes until you feel complete. The least that will happen is that the painting moves forward out of its current stuck point, and it might even resolve into something you love!

Where do you get your wood panels, and do you prime them?

I use a variety of wood panels, and usually get them from Jacksons or Cass Art. I don’t prime them! I’m a bit of a rule breaker like that.  I do use a matte spray varnish to seal them if I’ve used things like soft pastels or Sumi ink, which can smudge.

Can I write a guest blog post for you?

Thanks so much for your interest! I don’t take guest posts at this time.

Artistic Freedom This Way! 

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