
Insights and explorations into the artist experience

“We do not always create works of art, but rather, experiments.
It is not our intention to fill museums. We are gathering experience.”

Josef Albers

Eight Instagram caption ideas for artists

Eight Instagram caption ideas for artists

Ah Instagram. For many of us as artists, it can be a tumultuous relationship. Whether it's trying to do all the 'supposed tos', wondering whether it's worth the time and effort, or the frustrations of low engagement and getting sucked into the algorithm, Instagram can...

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Is it too late for me to start making art?

Is it too late for me to start making art?

I was doing a bit of research on Google recently, and found this question in the 'people also asked' section: "Is 30 too late to start making art?" My heart actually squeezed with a mix of sadness and indignation {maybe a little outrage} on behalf of anyone asking...

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How to create and use a studio journal

How to create and use a studio journal

Do you have a studio journal? Despite being someone who has written a journal in some form for most of my life since the age of eleven, I've never kept one specifically for my studio practice. I write about my art in my daily journal, but the insights get lost and...

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Ten great gift ideas for artists

Ten great gift ideas for artists

For the last few years I've shared a list of gift ideas for artists for the festive season, and since it's that time again, behold! I bring tidings of great joy. 😊 Whether it gives you ideas for your own list, for your artist friends, or to let your loved ones know...

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Drowning in your own artwork? What to do with what you make

Drowning in your own artwork? What to do with what you make

A very common question asked by artists - often in slightly panicked tones - is, what do I do with it all?! 🀯 I know. When you love what you do and you're endlessly curious, those creations can stack up in your creative space until you find yourself squeezed into a...

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The path of a happy artist

The path of a happy artist

What does the path of a happy artist look like? Although we're all walking the artist path, and many of us go through similar ups and downs, each of us experiences it differently. And knowing that other artists out there {*waves hands around vaguely*} feel the same in...

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Seven new ways to think about a ‘failed’ painting

Seven new ways to think about a ‘failed’ painting

Let's have a quick chat about something we can all relate to - the 'failed painting' conundrum.πŸ˜‰ Whatever words you use - disaster, crap, a mess, a waste of materials - we all know that that kind of thinking leads nowhere helpful, and yet it can be so easy to slip...

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Tara Leaver

Welcome, artist friend!

I'm Tara, an artist, teacher, author, mentor, and all round creative encourager living by the sea in Cornwall in the UK.

I'm the creator of the Happy Artist Studio, an artist membership providing practical, process oriented guidance to support you in building a sustainable and fulfilling happy artist life.

If you're looking for confidence, clarity, and freedom of expression in your art, that's what we do around here. It's all about making art that looks and feels like YOU.

Thank you for visiting and welcome aboard!


Read my Books

Creative Spark by Tara Leaver
The Artnotes Collection - encouragement and inspiration for artists, available on Amazon
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Artistic Freedom This Way!

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