
Everything I offer, free and paid


First things first.

I know that it takes time to decide whether someone’s work, personality, and offerings are for you.

With that in mind, I invite you to try out the much loved Artnotes.  

Artnotes go out most Mondays, and are packed with thought provoking ideas, behind the scenes stories about being an artist, tips you can take to the studio, blog post updates, occasional free mini courses and offers.

Pop your details into the form, and I’ll see you in your inbox!

Sign up for Artnotes

Now – what would you like help with?

The offerings are divided into categories to help you find what you need.

⭐️ If you’d like access to everything from just $37, you’ll want to check out the Happy Artist Studio. ⭐️

Free Things


Most Mondays I’ll send you relatable  and useful stories, tips, and ideas you can take into the studio. You’ll also get access to occasional free mini courses and email series, discounts, and blog post updates, completely free!

Click here to try out Artnotes

The 'I am an Artist' Challenge

If you feel uncomfortable or a bit fraudy calling yourself an artist, you’ll know how it can stifle your creativity and hold you back. {Not to mention not feeling great!}

Take the FREE ‘I Am an Artist’ 7 Day Challenge and change the way you see yourself.

Click here to find out more

Free Workshop: 8 Ways to Feel More Comfortable Making Art Outdoors

Ever felt like ‘plein air’ is something for the landscape oil painters with fancy pochade boxes and portable easels? Not sure how it would fit into your own art practice? Feeling uncomfortable about people asking questions or watching you at work?

This free workshop shows you how to set yourself up for a beautiful plein air experience, with less awkwardness, more confidence, and an approach that works for you and how you want to make your art.

Click here to get the workshop

Courses and Workshops

Exploring Colour Intuitively $9

Feel a bit daunted by colour and how to use it in your art?

Colour theory is a huge field that people have devoted their whole lives to understanding. It can feel overwhelming to know how to begin to use it confidently.

But you don’t need to read all the books and make all the colour wheels to make resonant, meaningful, true-to-you art.

Sometimes you just need a starting point to get a foot in the door, so you can begin to make your own exciting colour discoveries. This little workshop can help!

Click here to find out more

Make Cards from Your Art $9

You know that pile of paintings and drawings on paper you have stacked up in the corner, looking reproachfully at you?

This workshop will help you put them to good use, in the easiest, most fun and relaxing way possible. Not to mention you end up with a batch of cards of your original art at the end, to use for any occasion.

Click here to find out more

Play Within Parameters $9

For artists who want to shake up their practice and play more … but aren’t sure how to begin.

Play is an essential part of your art practice
But it can feel unexpectedly hard to know what that might look like!

We’re so used to making our art a certain way, and to ‘producing’ work with an agenda in mind. It can be all too easy to ‘paint ourselves into a corner’ and lose that freedom of expression we had when we started.

And sometimes we just want to do something simple and fun, but we’re not sure where to start, or we need an idea or two to get us going.

The Play Within Parameters workshop gives you all of that, for just $9.

Click here to find out more

Painted Postcards $49

Have you been wanting to get off the ‘one painting at a time’ hamster wheel and try creating art in collections? This simple and doable workshop shows you how to put together your own collection of small original paintings, with very few supplies, to keep, give, or sell.

Click here to find out more

Practical Intuition $129

As artists, a large part of our work is intuitive. Practical Intuition is a simple, clear, and inspiring step by step course {not something I usually offer!}, that shows you how to design and make your own personal deck of oracle cards. In it I share how I made my own, and show you the process and benefits of doing this for yourself.

A creative project that strengthens your intuitive connection to yourself and the unseen world, and can be adapted for different uses {inspiration cards, perhaps?}.

Click here to find out more

Happy Artist Essentials $177

Get the essentials in place so you can focus on the fun part. 😊👩🏼‍🎨

A happy artist has cultivated a distinctive voice, a reliable process, and a practice that fits and evolves with who you are and the life you have right now.

Happy Artist Essentials is a course that helps you get those practical puzzle pieces in place, so you know what you’re doing when you go into the studio, and can thrive beyond it too.

Click here to find out more

Artist Inspired II $247

What if there was a way to be inspired by other artists that went beyond copying, or even being ‘heavily influenced’ by them?

What if you could actually use what you learned from those artists to inform, develop, and strengthen your own unique art?

There is, and you can. This course takes you on a journey with a selection of artists {who also happen to be women}, showing you how to take your inspiration and run with it as you develop your own distinctive style.

Click here to find out more

Into Nature $247

Stuck between creative projects? Lost your mojo and missing the muse? Feeling a bit world weary?

Pack your art supplies and bring a thermos – we’re heading off on a restorative and inspiring artist’s adventure … Into Nature.

A course for low inspiration times, lost mojo times, between projects times – collaborate with the natural world to bring new life and fresh energy to your art.

Price: $247

Click here to find out more and get Into Nature {see what I did there}

Loosen Up $247

This is the course for when you find yourself defaulting to getting tighter and more realistic than you want to, and can’t seem to work out how to move away from old habits and more traditional painting approaches.

You CAN release the realism and make looser, more expressive, ​​​​​​​more abstract art. Loosen Up shows you how.

Click here to find out more

The Way of the Happy Artist $297

If you could be an artist in exactly the way you want, what would that look like? The Way of the Happy Artist is more than a course – it’s a foundational program that will show you how to uncover your unique voice and vision as an artist, bring it to life, and share it with the world, with confidence, and so much more clarity. 

Currently closed for registration. {Although you get full access inside the Happy Artist Studio membership!}

Click here to find out more and join the wait list

Artist Support

Fresh Start $7/m

Haven’t picked up a brush in years? This mini membership is for the lapsed artists wanting to get back into their art but feeling overwhelmed by options and self doubt.

Click here to find out more

The Happy Artist Studio Community $37/m

The Happy Artist Studio is where it all happens! You get everything – art courses, monthly topics, Q&A videos, a discount on one to one mentoring – and a whole lot more, including a welcoming and supportive community of artist friends where you can share your work, and get encouragement and constructive {kind!} feedback.

Click here to find out more

One to One Mentoring Sessions £135 / $175 approx

For when you’re feeling stuck or confused about your art, and would like some personalised support in finding clarity and a way forward with an artist who’s been there. One to one sessions are one hour chats on Zoom, where we clear the path and get you moving forward again.

Happy Artist Studio members get a discount on every session.

Click here to find out more

Books + Workbooks + Other Goodies

Instagram Playbook for Artists £6

Make sure your best energy is spent in the studio! Create your own unique approach to using Instagram as an artist that doesn’t have you attached to your phone or feeling bad about yourself with this simple, printable playbook. {Like a workbook, but less intense. 😉}

Get your printable copy here

My Creative Year [planner] £6

A planner for artists who don’t do planning! Many of us resist the word ‘plan’ when it comes to our creativity, but having a flexible framework you can adapt to suit your unique and specific needs can result in more accomplishments, more dreams coming true, and more fulfillment as an artist.

This planner contains a range of different pages you can print out and use according to your needs, including a collection planner, daily and weekly diary, and a range of other options designed especially for artists.

Get your printable copy here

The Artnotes Collection [book] Approx. £7.50

Curated from a decade of the much loved Artnotes emails, this is a book of encouragement, stories, insights, and fresh perspectives for artists of all kinds.

Now available on Kindle and Paperback!

Click here to find out more & get your copy

Creative Spark [book] Approx. £10

My first book is for beginners and re-starters. It’s designed to take you on a journey back to yourself, using your creativity as your lantern and guide. With everyday wisdom and life lessons that I myself have experienced, developed and use regularly, you are encouraged and supported as you take steps forward into knowing and enjoying yourself as a creative being.

Whether you haven’t picked up a paintbrush in years or are simply finding yourself uninspired lately, you will find within these pages the opportunity to give yourself the joyful and liberating gift of your own creativity. In a simple format of discussion and inspiring images followed by prompts and ideas, and a bundle of resources at the end of the book, you are sure to find something to ignite your creative spark.

Click here to find out more & get your copy

Happy Artist Mug From approx. £15

Every artist needs a special mug for the all important beverage to take into the studio! Especially when it says ‘Happy Artist’ on it. 😊👩🏼‍🎨 A fun and useful addition to your Happy Artist life, or a great gift for an artist.

Suggestion: Buy two in different colours – one for your drink, and one for paint water!

Choose from one of six colours, plus white {in two sizes}.

Get your coloured mug here

Get your plain white mug here

The Happy Artist Workbook $37

This workbook offers 45 pages of questions and prompts to guide you to greater clarity in your artist life. From your voice to your practice, from your mindset to your materials, you’ll come away with a deeper understanding of yourself as an artist, what you want to create, and how you want to do it.

Click here to find out more and purchase

Want all my courses (and a lot more) from just $37 a month?

Then come and join us in the

Happy Artist Studio

The Happy Artist Studio is a membership for artists who are ready to:

• move beyond copying the artists who’ve taught them

• develop their own one-of-a-kind artist voice

• and make the art they’re really here to make

With joy.  With support. And lots of experimenting.

Tara Leaver in studio
Join the Happy Artist Studio membership for support and guidance on the artist path - develop your voice and create a sustainable practice

​​​​​​​"I want to say a huge thank you for creating this Happy Artist Studio. You’ve already helped me such a lot by moving me on and allowing me to develop and take a huge leap to create the kind of art I knew I wanted to, but just didn’t have the confidence to tackle. But now being able to access so much material at once feels like a genuine luxury. I’m so glad that I found you in amongst the myriad of art support out there."

Sarah Stuart

Not sure what will be right for you right now?

I’ll be happy to help you! Just fill in the form, giving me as much info as you can about where you’re at with your art and where you’d like to go, and I’ll get back to you with my recommendations within 48 hours.

3 + 14 =

This page was inspired by Elizabeth Goddard. Find out more here.  {aff.link}