Tara Leaver
Freedom Through ArtI help artists find their voice, create a sustainable practice, and become the confident, fully expressed artists they want to be.
Being an artist is about so much more than just making beautiful or technically strong work
It’s about uncovering you, expressing your distinctive voice, and creating an artist life that is sustainable and fulfilling.
And you don’t need a degree, years of experience, or any outside validation to do that.
Hello! I’m Tara
I’m an artist, teacher, mentor, author, and creator of the Happy Artist Studio.

I help artists to develop their unique voice and gain the confidence to create and share their work without the studio struggles.
There’s no learning how to paint like me here. We’re all about:
🎨 fun and thought provoking discovery
🎨 lashings of encouragement and experimentation
🎨 flexible and practical guidance to find the clarity, expressiveness, and ‘you’ style art you seek.
If you want
More art in your life and more you in your art
you’re in the right place, and you’re very welcome here.
Ways to Get Started
What stops us from being the Happy Artists we’re here to be ?

Take the Challenge
Feeling like a fraud, or ‘not a real artist’?
Sounds so small – has a HUGE impact.
Because if you don’t believe you are something, how can you be it, day to day?
Almost every artist experiences it at some point on the path, but you don’t have to stay there.
Take the ‘I am an Artist’ challenge and start changing that today.

Read the Blog
Feeling like this 🤯 about your art?
In other words, confused about your ‘style’, resistant to ‘being consistent’, and overwhelmed by all the inspiration, ideas, and where to even begin.
Can result in procrastination, stuckness, frustration,
self doubt, comparisonitis, and feeling down on yourself as an artist.
The blog is a great starting point.

Try out Artnotes
Feeling alone & needing support?
Likes and ‘I love it!’ comments on Instagram are lovely, but sometimes you need more.
You need to be surrounded by other artists who get it.
And sometimes you need focused, individualised attention to move forward, because your situation and needs are unique.
Artnotes are where many happy artists begin!
“Please don’t ever stop doing what you are doing. I have learned so much from you, your courses, emails and kind words. Things that if I had heard them in high school when I first started studying art I would have continued with it and not left it for twenty years. I appreciate all that you offer as an artist and a mentor and I hope you never stop inspiring people to just give it a go …. you have truly inspired me to keep going and I can’t thank you enough for your encouragement.”
Ready for more?
A deeper connection – with your artist self and other artists?
A true understanding of what makes your art ‘yours’?
Fully owning your artist self and sharing it with confidence in the world?
Then you, artist friend, are ready for the
Happy Artist Studio
The Happy Artist Studio is a membership for artists who are ready to:
move beyond copying the artists who’ve taught them
develop their own one-of-a-kind artist voice
and make the art they’re really here to make
With joy. With support. And lots of experimenting.

Inside the Studio, we focus on the two pillars of a thriving artist life: Process and Mindset.
That means we recalibrate how you’re thinking about your art and your artist self, right alongside all the juicy making part!

​​​​”I want to say a huge thank you for creating this Happy Artist Studio. You’ve already helped me such a lot by moving me on and allowing me to develop and take a huge leap to create the kind of art I knew I wanted to, but just didn’t have the confidence to tackle. But now being able to access so much material at once feels like a genuine luxury. I’m so glad that I found you in amongst the myriad of art support out there.”
Sarah Stuart
Artistic Freedom This Way! 👉
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