Oh, hi! Sorry to interrupt. 😊

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Insights and explorations into the artist experience

“We do not always create works of art, but rather, experiments.
It is not our intention to fill museums. We are gathering experience.”

Josef Albers

Tara Leaver

Welcome, artist friend!

I'm Tara, an artist, teacher, author, mentor, and all round creative encourager living by the sea in Cornwall in the UK.

I'm the creator of the Happy Artist Studio, an artist membership providing practical, process oriented guidance to support you in building a sustainable and fulfilling happy artist life.

If you're looking for confidence, clarity, and freedom of expression in your art, that's what we do around here. It's all about making art that looks and feels like YOU.

Thank you for visiting and welcome aboard!


Artistic Freedom This Way! 👇

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Read my Books

Creative Spark by Tara Leaver
The Artnotes Collection - encouragement and inspiration for artists, available on Amazon
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Artistic Freedom This Way!

Pop your details in the boxes to receive Artnotes - stories and insights about the artist life to help you find  your way, and practical ideas you can take into the studio.

PLUS - latest blog posts, occasional free email series on topics that help you as an artist, and new offerings, direct to your inbox.