Ahem. I haven’t said anything about this because it’s all been very up in the air , but for the last couple of months I’ve been in the process of selling my flat and buying another one.

If you’ve been around these parts for a while you may be having the same reaction as most of my family and friends, which was based around the question “What the…. WHY?!?!?!”Especially given the place I live in now, which was only a few months ago featured in a magazine.

So anyway, although my current home is a dream of a place, it turns out that for me at least, you can live in a haven of perfection, but if it’s in the wrong location, it just isn’t somewhere you can stay.

So after two years of living here, I’ve decided that I can no longer NOT live right by the seafront. I mean, why move to a seaside city and not live by the beach?! Especially if you’re a sea obsessed Piscean who spends most of her time there anyway.

So I started hunting for places nearer the sea. I put my flat on the market and it sold in six days, unsurprisingly. Then I looked at well over thirty places before finally viewing ‘the one’. I was trying to stave off the panic of having sold mine but not having anywhere to go, and accepting that I may have to rent for a while, which was NOT my preferred scenario.

But when I saw this place, I got the butterflies and the adrenaline and I looked at what it offered and I knew that not only is it a beautiful place {just off the sea front but with sea views from the south facing roof terrace, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a dedicated art studio upstairs}, but it also felt so very strongly like it was the home that would move me FORWARD.

Where I would be able to realise some long held dreams to do with offering value, helping others, and using my creativity and healing gifts to do that. I mean, it’s a little bit crazy how perfect it was.

And this morning I heard the news I’d hardly dared to hope for. My offer was accepted and all systems are go!! I almost don’t believe it, and I know that there is still a way to go yet, but there is a very good chance now that before this year is up I will be stepping forward once again, stepping UP actually, into a bigger dream than I even imagined when I found my current home.

And that is an extremely long winded way of explaining why I didn’t post anything yesterday, the first day of the August Break! And so much for just posting images; I have way too much to say! So these photos are from yesterday {with a little help from my friend PicMonkey}, and now I have to go and phone the solicitor.

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