Pauline did a gorgeous painting from a photo of Frida Kahlo, and gave us a quick lesson in pulling together one of our own. She used a technique I haven’t used before, and I must say it has worked spectacularly well for all of us in the class. I’m MUY excited and planning to do my next one as we speak. I won’t go into details as it’s not for me to give away Pauline’s techniques, but you can still see a lot of the process here. And if you want to know more… you’ll have to join her next class! {No, she’s not paying me!}

2013-08-05 10.52.33

2013-08-05 11.01.36

2013-08-05 11.07.17

2013-08-05 11.12.15

2013-08-05 11.17.23

2013-08-05 11.25.37

2013-08-05 11.49.14

2013-08-05 12.11.02


Frida : : mixed media on paper

ALSO: Pauline has announced the date of her next Open Studio, which is a fantastic couple of days on Facebook where she shows snippets of her teaching style, work from previous students, and does some great giveaways {including my book this time!}. I joined the last one and it was so much fun, and was what actually decided me to join the class. If you’d like to jump in, just befriend her {Pauline Agnew} ~ it starts on August 16th. {Not 19th as I originally posted.}

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