Oh, hi! Sorry to interrupt. 😊

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If you missed part one of this riveting story, you can get clued up here.

a fairytale part two

This is the part of the fairytale where the book fell out of the beautiful princess me.

When I say ‘fell out of me’, I’m not really joking. I sat down one day, knowing I had Stuff To Say, I opened 750words.com and for the next ten days the words just poured out.

I have alluded to it in a couple of previous posts, but I was waiting til it was finished to do a big announcement. Then I realised that I didn’t know when it would be finished {editing takes time, people!} and I want to talk about it NOW! The writing is more or less done. I have one more image to add. I think I mentioned it’ll be a self publishing adventure, possibly as an ebook/kindle arrangement/a small quantity of actual copies.

I have wanted to write a book since I was very small. Up until recently I never felt I knew enough about anything to fill one, but then ‘suddenly’ {after years of accumulating experience and even some wisdom} I found I  did. I initally wrote it because I just really really wanted to; now it’s around 18,000 words across ten chapters, and I genuinely believe it DOES offer something of value.

So I know you’re gagging to ask me questions. 😉 Here are some I’ve anticipated {aren’t I kind}:

So Tara, what’s this book called?

Creative Spark: {Re}Igniting Your Innate Creativity with Everyday Wisdom

What’s it about?

It’s about the connection between creativity and the lessons we learn in day to day life. It will help you uncover and express your true self through the joyful and fulfilling experience of creating art of all kinds.

What inspired it?

I have been working with my spiritual teacher/mentor for nearly three years now, and I began to notice that the things I was learning from her, as well as from reading and personal experiences, were also applicable to the creative process. I started to develop an approach to painting, and my creativity in general, that reflected the lessons I was learning in my life. I know from my own experience that integrating creativity into our lives is essential for feeling more fulfilled, more confident and more joyful in ourselves.

Creativity is, I believe, one of the most important forms of self love.

Who’s it for?

Mainly it’s for people just starting out, especially if they are not sure or confident about how and where to begin. It’s also for those who repeatedly find themselves stumbling over the same hurdles, creatively or in their day to day lives. These ‘lessons’ apply across the board. The life lessons {or life ‘sparks’} that I have chosen to illustrate various ways to be creative are grounded in practical, day to day wisdom, but there is also a more ‘woo woo’ leaning to it, which will suit those with an interest in a more spiritual approach to life.

There are two ways to read it really: as an artist on a path of self discovery, or as a person seeking their own personal truth with a desire to find or develop their creativity.

Because so many of us lead such busy lives, I have included plenty of ways to include creativity into a busy lifestyle. Having a full life should not mean having no time to do what makes your heart sing.

Can you tell me a little bit more?

I can, my friend, I can! Thank you so much for asking! 😉

Each chapter covers a different area of creativity, from topics such as how to use your intuition and noticing skills to what to do when fear comes up. After a little discussion about a particular topic, I talk about how it can be applied in both everyday living and when we are making art, whether that’s painting, cooking, knitting, photography or whatever your chosen area{s}.

There are lots of ideas for igniting your own creative spark, chapter summaries for a quick reminder of key points covered, and at the back you will find several pages of resources and inspiration to take you forward. Everything included I have found useful and supportive on my own creative journey.

It’s the kind of book you can open at any point and find a spark of inspiration; perfect when you don’t have much time, or are looking for a bit of creative support. It gives me pleasure to imagine myself as your creative guide within the pages, cheering you on and lighting the way during moments of uncertainty or confusion.

Where can I buy the book?

On Amazon, or from my Etsy shop {which means I will sign it and write you a note. 🙂 } Thank you for your interest!

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