This is my latest commission, for a little boy called Oscar whose christening is coming up. Because most of my best paintings happen after dark the light is crap. You’re probably getting used to that by now eh.

The brief involved quite a few ideas to play with, and in the end I went with a duck {with a crown, obviously} and a tree.

I felt like keeping it quite simple while still using the basic template of what I usually do with these kinds of commissions.

I did about fifteen sketches before starting; it wasn’t actually until I did that first Nia class that it started flowing. Sometimes it’s just like that.

But I’m cool with it now, and hopefully Oscar {and his parents and godmother} will be too.

Hmm, a touch blurry.


In other news, wtf?! Picnik is going away! How am I going to do cool effects and basic edits that easily now?! NOT COOL. Anyone know something similar {we’re talking auto fix and minimal effort} that I can transition to after April 19th? If we can avoid mentioning Picasa that would be great.

Also can I just say how much I enjoyed the bidding war over Danny’s house. He’s in Bali now but I’ll inform him of the latest developments.

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