Around six months ago I shared a round up of my first Scoutie Girl articles in this post. This month marks the publishing of my final article for Scoutie Girl, making it a full year since I first joined the team after my initial guest post about comfort zones.
Following the format of my previous post {to make it easier for you to decide which, if any, you’d like to read}, the past six months looked like this…
How to Easily Sustain a Creative Project
Written after my experience of maintaining my DailyScapes project for around three months, in this post I shared the most useful things I learned about keeping such a project going, in spite of occasional reluctance and mean voices!
Read this post if: You would love to do a daily project of some kind, but are doubting your ability to stay committed and afraid of letting yourself down.
Why You Need a Magic Necklace
This post is a personal favourite; in it I talk about a necklace I was given that at first glance did not seem to be ‘for me’. And yet when I put it on, magic happened!
Read this post if: You would love to have an easy way to embody certain qualities, perhaps for a specific purpose, or just in your day to day life.
How to Be an Artist Without Picking Up a Paintbrush
In this post I looked at ways in which the skills and techniques I bring to painting can be used more widely in our lives.
Read this post if: You think you’re not an artist!
What You Seek is Seeking You
This famous quote from the mystic poet Rumi got me thinking. This short post is about my interpretation of what he meant, and how encouraging that can be if we let it.
Read this post if: Something has been persistently nagging at you to try it, but you’ve been too full of doubts or fears to take action, or are afraid you don’t have what it takes.
What Your Daily Practice Can Teach You About Yourself
In this post I give you some questions to ask yourself about your current practice that will shine a light on whether and how it’s serving you, and as a means to consider how you can upgrade it to truly support you as you grow and change.
Read this post if: Your practice, daily or otherwise, has been feeling a bit stale, or you’ve stopped and are missing it but not enough to begin again, or you’d like to start one and need some help putting it in place.
25 Ways to be Creative in Less Than 5 Minutes
This collaborative post came about after I asked readers and fellow creatives what they did when they had just five minutes to spare but wanted to sneak some creative well-filling in. If nothing else it proves that ‘too busy’ is not a valid excuse for depriving yourself!
Read this post if: You want to introduce more creativity into your already busy daily life, but are stalling because it feels like it’s going to require time and energy you don’t have.
And finally, Amanda at Scoutie Girl interviewed me for ‘Contributor Appreciation Month’.
Read this post if: You’d like to know a bit more about me!
It was so lovely and flattering to be asked to join the Scoutie Girl team after my first guest post, and I’ve loved being part of a creative team and contributing to such a rich and idea-filled website! It gave me an opportunity to refine my voice and writing skills, and has definitely been a highlight on this path for me.