I am very frustrated. I’ve reached The Wall again,with this new painting. (Actually it’s an old painting reworked but focus, Tara, focus.)
I am wondering if it’s partly because the shop has asked me to bring in three more pieces to replace the ones I sold. This week. And it’s already Wednesday.
Please note this is in no way a complaint about having sold three paintings!
I just have an annoying habit of instantly not wanting to and/or not being able to do what I’m asked as soon as I’m asked to do it. Painting ‘to order’ is making me draw a blank. This is neither professional nor encouraging.
I do like this painting, it’s just where the heck to take it now because it really doesn’t feel finished. I’ve tried ideas related to text, figures, more trees, a moon, clouds, some random imagery. One wrong move and it could end up a) ruined or b) twee.
I’ve really got to get over this fear. If you look at it and instantly know what it needs, please tell me! 🙂 Normally I’d put it to one side and maybe come back to it in a few weeks, sometimes months, but I don’t have that luxury this week! Perhaps I’ll just work on one of the other sticky ones while I think about it…
Great painting, I prefer the one without the trees! xxx
I know that feeling well, I start to get resentful about people demanding new work!!! which is totally insane but it is just how I feel sometimes.
Maybe it needs some small details? {what, I am not sure} but I do think anything too big might wreck the composition and make it look too crowded. I really think you are nearly there with this one. Love it, am a tent fan from way back… x
I think it's looking great so far. How about some fanciful circus girls peeking around the trees and small birds with scrolling banners in the air? That's just what happened to pop in my mind. LOL Theresa
Oh I know exactly what you mean! When it's something you *have* to do the ideas never come! I don't know if I have any magic words to help you but…I like contrast if what I'm doing isn't working. Your painting has larger heavy shapes in it (tree and tent) so what about some light curvilinear lines. Maybe something with string. Or maybe like sleepandhersisters said smaller details…??? Good luck!
Hello there…When I looked at the painting and considered your question I thought of a crystal ball or tarot cards…because I would want to enter that tent and have a mysterious and lovely gypsy tell me my fortune. Not sure that is what you are even looking for, but that is what your painting whispered in my ear. It is quite lovely.
Wow, thanks for the great feedback guys! I wasn't expecting that! And I have to say the two things that jumped out at me were banners and string! Something about string made me almost jump out of my chair! I can't tell you how grateful I am for this inspiration – exactly what was needed. x