What does it look like to become a happy artist - Anna's story

I talk a lot about the Happy Artist Studio.

I mean, of course I do, it’s a big part of my work! And I love it and think it’s brilliant, but then I’m pretty biased. šŸ˜‰

But sometimes, especially if you’re considering joining us, it’s good to hear from someone who’s actually a member of the Studio and has an insider perspective.

So this week I’m delighted to bring you Anna Liversidge, who joined the Studio earlier this year and has some experience and insights to share!

I’d like to preface this by saying that Anna’s incredible shifts were her own doing.

The Studio provided support, but she did all the work and saw the results in her practice, her confidence, and her new understanding of herself as an artist.

{Also, I didn’t pay her for this glowing report! šŸ˜† Just asked her to be honest.šŸ˜Š}

Anna Liversidge art

What was the situation with your art before you joined the Happy Artist Studio? How did you feel about it? And about yourself as an artist?

I knew I was an artist before joining the Happy Artist studio, but I was certainly not a happy one!

I loved making art, and knew how to go about it and what I wanted to make, though I felt isolated and lost in my practise.

I was surrounded by many ā€˜demonsā€™ and had issues with ill health – all of which were disrupting my experience as an artist.

What did you want to change?

I wanted to make sense of the big mess I was in. I wanted to relax into my creative practise. I also wanted to be less alone in it.

I love the solitude I need to make art, but also it can be lonely and confusing. Being an artist means you operate in a different realm to non artists, itā€™s a very emotional and feeling based way of living where you pick up on deep sensitivities. If you are not in touch with like minded people itā€™s tough.

Anna Liversidge leaves hanging

What made you decide to join the Studio?

Without a doubt Taraā€™s Artnotes.

I had been following Tara for a while, and every email was such a joy. They made me feel connected, and phew itā€™s not just me who thinks like this, and feels this way.

Was the Studio what you expected? If not, what was different?

I think it was how I expected, as Iā€™d done the studio tour and got a real feeling about it from Tara.

At first I was stunned by the sheer volume of content, but Tara guided me through with easy ways to connect with what was most useful to me and a good place to start.

Anna Liversidge leaves close up

What aspect has been the most valuable to you inside the Studio?

The mindset based courses, Touchstone especially. As artists we think itā€™s all about the practical and the making, because thatā€™s what we most want to do.

I really learned that itā€™s so much more than that. Without the right mindset and tools to handle the ā€˜demonsā€™ the art doesnā€™t get made.

What would you say is the biggest benefit you’ve received as a result of being a member?

Aside from the lovely supportive community, and finding the art buddy I always wantedā€¦ one who gets as excited as me about collage papers and new techniques.ā€¦. Iā€™d say I found myself.

One of the exercises focused on overwhelm, which was a big issue in my art practise. I think I had one of the biggest lightbulb moments of my life!!

Suddenly it all became clear, that really all the different aspects and tangents in my work were all interconnected, and at heart I was always working with an inner wisdom that I hadnā€™t seen before.

Anna Liversidge seaweed

What has changed in terms of your art and/or how you feel about it now? And about yourself as an artist?

I feel much more excited about my art now. Before I was filled with fear, insecurities and frustration. Perfectionism was off the scale.

Iā€™d say I am a happy artist now. I explore more, have become looser, freer, more expressive.

Through work books, questions and processes in the courses in the studio I have gained confidence.

Also it had helped me realise that an art practise is fluid and evolving and I already have a strong grounding and a much more rich practise than I was aware of.

What would you say to someone who was on the fence about joining?

I was on the fence about joining because I didnā€™t really have the funds (or did I?), because I didnā€™t feel I deserved to spend money on my art in a regular way.

Though I have to say itā€™s a very reasonable fee, and it offers so much content. Also I had looked at other memberships which were much more expensive and not as appealing!

I havenā€™t done much in the way of practical courses yet as Iā€™ve been so busy with mindset. I will say though that there is so much on offer, so much to learn, Iā€™d really be surprised if everyone didnā€™t love it.

Anna Liversidge seaweed framed

How would you describe the Happy Artist Studio in your own words?

A playground of delights and fun, with a supportive community.

A place where you can nurture your creative self, learn varied skills, and make use of the wisdom of a warm, experienced mentor.


Anna Liversidge artistAnna Liversidge is a textile/ mixed media artist. Nature, especially plants and seaweed inspire her work. She loves to work with layers, and shadows, and her favourite technique is free hand machine stitching onto water soluble fabric, creating lace like structures.

Find Anna on Instagram



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