Expressive charcoal drawing - free video lesson


If you’ve been hanging around here for a while, you’ll know I ‘quite like’ charcoal.

It perfectly suits my love of freedom and expressive art making – it’s tactile, bold, versatile, and yeah, pretty gloriously messy. πŸ™‚

I love it so much I created a course – imaginatively titled ‘Expressive Charcoal’ – to share its many wonders, and today I’m sharing a free video lesson for you so you can see what I mean about expressive mark making.

I’ve found charcoal to be not just a magnificent material to use in paintings, but also a great teacher in and of itself for those of us wanting to loosen up and find more freedom of self expression in our art.

If you’re curious about charcoal, but perhaps haven’t had much – or any – experience with it, or are confused about the different types and how to use it, or how to stop it smudging and getting on everything, or if you’re looking for ways to make your art more playful and free, you’re in the right place.

Tip: It helps to listen to music when making art like this. I listened to this Happy Artist Movement playlist on Spotify – feel free to borrow it or choose whatever music gets you going!



Expressive Charcoal

If this has piqued your interest and you’re keen to dig into the wonders of charcoal a bit further, you’ll love the Expressive Charcoal Course!

You’ll find it inside the Happy Artist Studio, alongside a huge library of further expressive art courses, monthly lessons, Q&A videos, The Way of the Happy Artist program, and a lovely private community for support and feedback.

Click here to find out more and join us!