Making your art your own - an exhibition of student work from Abstractify

Abstractify, my painting course for anyone wishing to discover and develop their own unique artistic style {which can be surprisingly hard with so much inspiration and so many courses out there}, begins next week!

It’s such a gift running this course, and getting to witness the colourful explorations of the participants as they experiment with different approaches and broaden their vocabulary of ways to make art. Not to mention the bonus of worldwide creative connections and continuing our art journey together in my private Facebook group for course alumnae after.

I thought I’d give you a peek at some of the gorgeous work of previous participants, with their kind permission. This work is too lovely not to share. Plus, if you’re considering taking the course yourself, it’s a good opportunity to see the kind of art you could be making. 🙂 And if not, enjoy a free exhibition to inspire and uplift you this fine Monday morning!

I’ve divided it up into the four weeks, so you can have a rough idea of what each brings. Bear in mind many participants have no formal training or haven’t done much painting before!

Week One: Initial Explorations

During the first week we dive straight into playing with easy ‘ways in’ to expressing ourselves in our own unique ways through paint. We try out a few different approaches and get some context for this expedition with a bit of historical and contemporary background on abstract and expressive art.

Abstractify Day 1

A few of the sets of quick mini paintings we do in week one as a way to explore marks and start noticing what’s ‘ours’. Already diverse palettes, marks and styles are showing up. This is always one of the most popular lessons.


Kasey and Jo

Charcoal sketches by Kasey Moran and Jo Collyer


Helen Anne

Exploring charcoal and soft pastels – Helen Anne


“I was enjoying my art but felt a little stuck on how to go forward with new techniques and approaches as I am new to art and haven’t had any training; I tend to make it up. Abstractify has given me new insights, approaches, techniques and materials to use and therefore I now feel I have grown and have lots of new avenues to explore. I wished it was longer:). To anyone considering the course, I’d say this will give you new eyes in which to look at life and multiple ways to express that experience.

Lisa Collyer

Week Two: People

This week we look at ways to paint portraits and figurative art that move them away from realism and take them into the exciting realm of expressive and interpretive painting.

figure collage

Versions of the figure painting exercise, which you can try as a free sample! {Click below.}

Click HERE for the free sample lesson.


Sophie Kerdellant

Sophie Kerdellant


Marie Goodwyn

Marie Goodwyn


Linda Stamper

Linda Stamper

“Since going through your course, I feel like I have more options and creative approaches to my work. A breath of fresh creative air. I love the variety of lessons. I would recommend the course to loosen up, to look at different approaches, stretch your creative muscles and learning to trust your creative voice. Thanks for having your heart in what you’re doing, Tara.”

Kasey Moran,

Week Three: Places

This week we go on location {with alternatives if that’s not doable!} to gather ideas from out in the world, and make art both outdoors and indoors. We explore ways to create a sense of place in a painting that isn’t ‘just’ a straight up landscape.

Kierstan Betancourt

Kierstan Betancourt


Andy Getch

Andy Getch


Carina Uehr

Carina Uehr

“Before the class, I wasn’t sure if I could really DO anything art wise. Nothing looked like I wanted it to (ie: like real life). I’m a beginner and I’ve learned so much. I’ve discovered that I want to explore and play some more. My favourite thing was the videos – both of you demonstrating and the links to other artists. It opened up a new way of viewing art and artists … it ain’t neat and clean, it’s messy, goopy, splashing, trusting, intuitive, scraping, fun, physical, … and the list goes on. What a delight to discover this!! It’s a well-crafted course that offers support, ideas, direction, and FUN as you explore how YOU express yourself in paints, pastels, charcoals … and any other art mediums you happen to have on hand.

Elmdea A.


Week Four: Things

For our final week, we look at still life, and tip over the edge into full abstraction. We’ll explore how we can create art that remains balanced and interesting even if it has no, or few, recognisable elements.

Sara Ladyman

Sara Ladyman


Maryse Perdriat

Maryse Perdriat


Fran Zygmunt

Fran Zygmunt

“Your course has had more impact on me as an artist than almost any other I have done – and it was so rich, I will keep going back to it again and again…”

MG, Abstractify student


See what I mean?! All students on the same course, but no one making the same art!

If you’d like more info on how you could be making your art more ‘you’, click HERE for all the course details. {And please feel free to ask me any questions here.} No special skills or qualifications required! Just some art supplies and enthusiasm. 🙂


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