
I know that whenever I’m deciding about whether to take an online class or not, I really love it when the teacher shares a sneak peek into the lesson format and the teacher’s style. So this week I’m sharing with you a free sample lesson from Abstractify so you can get a feel for what it will be like.

Even if you’re not planning to take the course, it’s a fun exercise to try. 🙂

The video below comes from the second week, which is all about loosening up and finding our own way in our approach to the figure. The website I found the reference image on is here.

I think as artists we all have ‘go to’ ways that we make marks, and while that can be excellent for helping our work be recognisable, it can also be limiting and cause the work to lose that spontaneity and expressiveness we so love. So it’s good to put our experimenting hats on, push at those limits and find new ways to approach our painting.

So, enjoy the video, and if you decide to try out this exercise, I’d love to see!



If you’d like to learn more about Abstractify…



Jo_sample lesson1Here’s a painting done by student Jo after she watched the sample lesson.

“…that was quite an experience. Really loved sticking to three colours (though my mid and dark perhaps too close this time round). Nonetheless really felt good to move freely and squint at my reference image lol. Can’t wait for Abstractify to start!”

Isn’t it gorgeous! I’m always fascinated to see how something I create is interpreted and experienced by others. If you have a go at this lesson please do share the results with me and I’ll add them to this post!




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