Ta na! One full month of daily drawing completed, with many lovely companions sharing the experience on Facebook and Instagram. Definitely one of my more successful whims. 🙂 Thank you so much if you joined in or left kind comments throughout the month. I might be a recluse but I also love connecting over artistic endeavours!


‘Translating the senses’, in this case my sense of cosiness. 😉 Pen and watercolours.


Far Away :: keeping it simple with a black Pitt pen


Circus :: black Pitt pen and coloured pencils


Light and Dark :: I can’t take credit for the image ~ it’s from a painting by artist Claire Harrigan. But the translation into a pen drawing is all me 😉


Made of Lines :: a strange fish, using my feather and new walnut ink {instant love}


Assortment :: found these tiny shells in a bag I haven’t used for a while. Walnut ink and feather.


Something in a jar :: black Pitt pen


Chair :: this is my second attempt, and still a bit of a disaster. Never mind. Quink and dip pen, with water.


Map :: a map of my life currently, or some of it. Ink and dip pen.


Currently :: ran out of steam a bit despite wanting to end on a high note. Drew my dinner while I was eating it. 🙂 Pencil and watercolour pencils.


Extra Drawing Goodness

I don’t own this book…. yet.


Am ready for my break now. 🙂 I’m giving myself permission to post as and when for the next two months, so I’ll be around, just less often. That way I can recharge and focus on creating my new ecourse as well as a number of other projects. See you in a little while!

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