Have you noticed how there usually comes a point in a project where the initial excitement has settled down and you reach a kind of plateau, and how bloody boring that can feel?
Obviously I want every single day to be filled with glorious inspiration, fabulous ideas and endless motivation; for every stroke of my pen or pencil {or whatever I happen to be using that day} to be both deeply satisfying and to create drawings of unparalleled beauty.
I’m finding myself a little flat this week though, so not all of the drawings are living up to the demands of my ego! I’m grateful for the continuous thread a project like this gives me, and the continued lessons in self kindness, non judgement and non attachment to outcomes!

Favourite Item of Clothing :: my best effort this week by far! A recreation of my apron in pen, soft pastel and acrylics

Self Portrait :: Pen and watercolour pencil, taken from an upside down selfie {the socks are a far more accurate portrayal!}
See the week one round up here.
Drawing related goodness
A most unusually decorated car
How to draw Mandalas {even if you can’t draw}Â {Andrea is so good at explaining this, I highly recommend}
“Drawing takes us out of our worrying minds and into the wide open space of peace and possibility, where inspiration comes to meet us.” Cat Bennet
T!!! Your drawings/sketchings/painting are awesome… i just LOVE the ink & feather pose one. I also love the movement one – the one you sketched while watching a video… amazing how just a few quick lines can really show movement! Fabulous work. Always a visual treat here. xx
Thanks P! You always leave such lovely comments. 🙂