I thought I’d share my first week of DailyScapes with you today; you can see my first mention of them {and a little video how to that sprang from one of them!} here.
Sometimes I feel like doing a little something but not a full blown canvas effort. I also like the idea of a little something DAILY, to weave a thread of consistent art throughout my days. Most days so far I’ve enjoyed it, although a couple of days there’s been resistance.
It’s not a should {and if it turns into one I’ll stop}, more a tug towards moving colour and shapes around with my hands, and in this project’s case, a way to explore a concept that interests me, namely maps and imaginary landscapes.
Added to that, it means I can play with completely different styles, approaches and mediums every time ~ and thus push my own boundaries and give myself ideas ~ without getting in a tangle about whether as an artist my work is consistent.
I have no idea how long I’ll continue to do this, although I notice that having done just over a week now I am less and less inclined to ‘break’ it!

Day 5 ~ oil pastel, acrylic, gesso. Just wanted to paint in blues and mark out shapes by dry brushing gesso. A ‘close up scape’.

Day 6 ~ oil pastel and pencil. Layers and layers, blended with the white oil pastel although didn’t achieve quite what I was hoping for. Love the boat though.
“should” is one word that must be removed from our language! I refuse to use it! 🙂 I love the sailboat and I love the commitment to doing something, smaller, for a challenge, for the experience. You manage to light your own spark as you light the spark for others! xo
Thank you for saying that Sherry! That means a lot to me. And yes, should should be banished. 😉
awesome to see these side by side.
you inspire…
Aw thanks Michelle! That’s what I always hope.
I think you inspired me to not worry about wasting materials, just enjoy the play time. I once heard it said, the only wasted paint is that that is still in the tube.
That’s so great Janice – and yes, I’d agree with that! 🙂