I have introduced a new thing. Consistency not being my middle name, we shall see if it becomes a regular feature of my mornings, but I hope it does because the other morning it was excellent.

paint and charcoal

a background made from excess paint from other paintings, covered with a layer of charcoal

Working on my upcoming ecourse has been somewhat all consuming; I am an all or nothing kind of person and when I feel passionately about something I will gladly dive in head first and give it everything I have, continuously. {The flat is not looking too clean.}

Coming up for air doesn’t often occur to me until my lungs are about to burst though, and that needs some consideration as it can be quite a destructive way to live.

first marks

erasing out the lights

Since DAPWYL ended I’ve been feeling pretty artsick {homesick, but for art, in case you’re wondering}. I love to think and write and be creative in all sorts of ways, but when absolutely zero art is happening things start to get weird.

So the other morning, before beginning anything, I went upstairs and gave myself some time to make a mess with art materials. I didn’t have a plan, I didn’t care about outcome, I just wanted to get messy and play. I decided I’d do it the night before, so I knew as soon as I woke up that it was my first priority and already ‘booked in’, so to speak.

adding pastels

things are taking shape with the addition of pastels

In the end I think I was up there around fifty minutes or so. I wasn’t timing it, but the point is, I got in the zone, just for a little while, I made a charcoal and pastel drawing using an old self-portrait photo as reference, and when it was done I felt GOOD, and ready to begin my day.

finished piece

finished piece

So ready, in fact, that I had too much energy to sit down at the computer and was compelled to do some vigorous {very bad} dancing round the flat first. {#dorkalert1}

And then I willingly stepped into the internet vortex knowing that if nothing else, I’d get 10/10 for self care that day. And actually, starting from the happy place meant I had more momentum to tick a few things off my to do list, AND leave time for playing Cave Quest on my ipad. {#dorkalert2}


Creative Spark: The Ecourse {ignite your inner artist} is a six week art based online class for creative beginners, all about uncovering and restoring your creative confidence. If you are secretly longing to have a go at something arty, or bring more creativity into your life but don’t know where to start, or have fears about your abilities in this area, find out how by clicking here. The course is available with instant access, but you don’t have to do it alone! On registering, you will be invited to join my private Facebook group for all alumnae of my courses, where you will be warmly welcomed and encouraged to share and experiment with the rest of us.

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