I’ve got the bug! The bug for quick and easy home projects thankfully, not the nasty winter related one doing the rounds.
I had this old cupboard I bought damaged at a knock down price years and years ago, and was on the verge of putting it on the street (guaranteed it would’ve gone by the end of the day), but then I thought, wait! I have oilcloth! I can make do and mend!
So out came the trusty staple gun (again), a scrap of John Lewis oilcloth I’ve also had for years, and after a mere ten minutes or so….
Then I found it fits EXACTLY in the space between the sink and the doorway in my bathroom, so really couldn’t possibly go anywhere else.
Small things like this can make you very happy.
What a great find! I love what you did with it, and the way it fits in that space is so perfect! It was obviously meant to be, eh? 🙂
Like new! I love the rose pattern and it fits just right in that space. 🙂
mucho sweeto 😉