I am taking a self portraiture photography course with the lovely Vivienne McMaster currently, and one of our assignments is to create a photo essay based on a selection of prompts.

Although this is a little outside my usual area for this space, and it feels a bit weird to use so many photos of me and talk about my secret wishes {even if they’re not really that secret!}, it does describe some of my ‘bigger picture’ dreams that I want toย create here for you.








With all this in mind, it’s time for me to take a step back. For the next couple of months I’ll be doingย a bit of inner inventory taking, and finding out what exactly will be next and how I can make it truly inspiring and valuable to you. ย You can still get in touch and receive a response; mostly it will look like less blog posts, less social media and less Artnotes. I won’t be completely off the radar, just quite a long way below it. ๐Ÿ™‚


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