10 reasons to love the Painted Postcards workshop

“I thoroughly enjoyed this workshop. It has the perfect balance of giving a real insight into your process in ‘real time’ and a very practical and repeatable exercise in creating small works of art. I also think the approach can easily be extended and scaled up, by those who wish to do so. I think this might be a gift that keeps on giving!”


— Sharon Bruster
The premise of the Painted Postcards online workshop is very simple:

Make a set of original paintings on postcards for gifts or for sale {or to keep and display for yourself!}

Look a little closer though, because there’s more to it than meets the eye!

🎉  If you want to make more cohesive, consistent art, this approach will give you insights and {fun!} practice.

🎉  It’s not long or labour intensive, so it’s good if you’re short on time or need to work in short bursts.

🎉 Because it’s at a small scale, it’s also budget friendly. You may need to purchase a set of postcards {I’ll share the link to mine}, but otherwise you can use the supplies you already have.

🎉   It shows a process that’s replicable at scale; you can start small but it’ll work for larger art too!

🎉  If you need a gift, or would like to send a small piece of your work to a loved one {or collector}, you can make a whole bunch of them!

🎉  It’s great for all skill levels.

🎉  You don’t just have to make painted postcards! It works with all sorts of 2D art approaches, including mixed media, collage, paint, drawing, and printing.

🎉  It’s adaptable to your unique process and style {which I highly encourage, of course 😉}.

🎉  If you’d like to start selling your work, or just create a little extra income stream, this is an easy way to create affordable art.

🎉  If you’re looking for a low key, fun and easy project that will result in beautiful original art, I’ve got you covered. 😊

If any or all of these sound good to you, come and check out Painted Postcards.

It costs just $49 {convert to your currency here}, and is instantly accessible to work {play!} through in your own time.

Click the button below to find out more, get a peek behind the scenes, and get started today!

Click to purchase Painted Postcards

“The Painted Postcards course is easy to fit into a busy life: I found it flexible, affordable, and packed with useful prompts – in fact there’s a massive amount of education in this short and very accessible course. It’s amazing how working on a series of small paintings together produces such exciting results and a new sense of your own style and identity as an artist.”

Sarah Pyne

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