100 days of seaside art - my theme for the 100 Day Project 2016 over on Instagram

You may have heard of the 100 Day Project, which was started by Elle Luna and has got hundreds, probably thousands, of people committing to something for one hundred days. It just started a new round over on Instagram, and this time I decided to join in.

I’m a week late to the party because I was on the road trip when it started and didn’t have the headspace. I actually don’t even know how many days I’ve been going at the time of writing because there’s no way I would keep going if I knew exactly how many days I had still to go! I just put the start and end dates in the calendar and now I make a little something every day.

My hashtag, ie. topic,ย for the project is #100daysofseasideart. {It really can be anything, it doesn’t have to be art related; I notice lots of people doing fitness related projects.} That way it’s focused but has lots of scope for whatever I feel like doing that fits under that title. I did sit with it for a whileย to make sure I had something I would want to stick with and that wouldn’t become boring twenty seven days in.


So far so good! I’m not doing the same thing every day, or even using the same format – some days I work in my sketchbook, others on loose paper, and I’m workingย on canvas too. Maybe sometimes I’ll take a photo instead. Sometimes I work on the same thing for more than a day. I don’t think there are any rules about how you do it, it’s really about committing to something for a hundred days, but even if there were, I’d still be doing it in a way that would work for me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The video in this post is from yesterday. It’s far from professional but gives a little look into my studio and how I often literally just throw a painting together without planning or choosing a palette, and mixing up my media with whatever I have to hand. I had a photo for inspiration, by a fellow Instagrammer based in Rockport in the USA who’d taken a gorgeous photo of some boats. I never know if these quick studies will work or not, much less when I’m being ‘watched’!

Here are a few of my favourites from the project so far.

A selection from 100 Days of seaside art by Tara Leaver for the 100 Day Project 2016

Why yes, I do like boats.

I won’t be posting about this regularly, but I like to share my personal creative projects here as well as the more ‘helpful’ {hopefully!} posts. You can also see the posts as they happen over here.ย {It’s self updating! Tech magic!}

Are you doing a 100 day project? I’d love to hear about it! You could really start one any time, although it’s always funย {and easier to stay accountable}ย to do it with friends. ๐Ÿ™‚ Feel free to share in the comments, with your hashtag if you’re doing it on Instagram.

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