Finally, finally, I have finished this painting. I’ve been working on it behind the scenes for weeks, as part of my energy painting series.

spinning out of nothingness 1

The initial part flowed out effortlessly, and since then it’s been a case of seemingly endless tweaking and adjusting to a painfully minute degree.

spinning out of nothingness 2

I could tweak it forever, of course. But there comes a point where you have to just stop and let it be what it is, and that point is now.

spinning out of nothingness 3

The title comes from Rumi ~ the second part of it is ‘scattering stars like dust’, for which I’d like to create another one at some point. Something about a diptych with a two part name pleases me.

spinning out of nothingness 4

You can see I did a lot of playing before it started to come together. This is such a good way of a} covering a blank canvas, b} just enjoying the pleasure of moving paint around and seeing what it does and c} discovering new little quirks and things you want to include in future paintings.


And of course every layer, every brushstroke, contributes to the whole. Nothing is wasted, even if you cover it up.

Spinning Out of Nothingness  by Tara Leaver

Spinning Out of Nothingness :: acrylic on canvas :: 50 x50cm ::  £200

There’s a lot of pearlescent paint which doesn’t show up here as it does in real life. Every angle reveals something different, and it’s full of movement and potential.Â