

I am totally honoured to have been asked by Connie Hozvicka ~ of Dirty Footprints Studio ~ to be one of the teachers in her 21 Secrets workshops for 2014!

I literally gasped when I read her email; I was a 21 Secrets student myself three years ago, and never imagined in a million years I’d be asked to be on the other side of the screen!

I’ve been holding this one close to my chest, but today I’m incredibly excited to be able to announce that 21 Secrets goes on pre-sale TODAY.  If you’re thinking of taking it this time round, you’ll want to know that the pricing is tiered, and will rise as we get closer to the start, which is in April next year. So if you’re keen, get in now!

Here are all the things you need to know…

21 SECRETS is celebrating itʼs fifth year of delivering inspiring art journaling workshops
with a total make-over! 21 SECRETS is now a downloadable eBook with all 21
workshops beautifully contained and at your access 24/7. Not only do you pick and
choose which workshops you do when–but you now get to keep these workshops
forever and ever! Plus–there is both a private Facebook community and Flickr gallery
where you can share, receive feedback, and meet others art journaling along with you!

21 SECRETS Spring Collage

look at the amazing company i’m in!

Each 21 SECRETS art journaling workshop is led by an inspiring, heart-centered Artist
that is eager to share their passion and love for creativity with you. Through videos,
written content, and tons of visuals you can journey your way through this tapestry of
inspiration, creativity, and healing energy! Grab your art journal and letʼs go!
21 SECRETS mission is to spread creative and healing energy through the powers of
art journaling. With 21 heart-centered Artists as your guides, you will receive hours and
hours of clear instruction, inspiring techniques, and unique approaches to creating in
your art journal. All experiences and skill levels are welcomed!


 If you’re wondering what my workshop is all about, here are the details!

A Way With Words

Words are energy. The words we choose to use in our everyday lives help to shape our experience, so why not use good ones! In this workshop weʼll look at ways to choose words for their energetic frequency, and then make them into pieces of art that generate positive energy. That energy will ripple out into your environment and make you – and anyone else who sees it – feel good every time you look at it, even at a subconscious level. Iʼll share with you some of my processes for building a painting, and weʼll use one of my favourite techniques which involves feathers! You will end up with a beautiful piece of art with the exact message you need right now, worthy of framing and hanging somewhere you can see and benefit from its positive energy every day.


The image at the top links to the purchase page, and I have popped a button in the sidebar; please be aware that if you purchase your membership from here it’s an affiliate link and I will receive a percentage of the sale.

I would absolutely love you to join me for 21 Secrets ~ if you’ve done it before you’ll know that Connie picks incredible teachers with a real passion and talent for what they do. It opens April 2014, but don’t forget the price raises the more people sign up and the closer we get to the start date.

But wait, there’s more!

The giveaway is now closed; thank you to all who entered ~ it’s still possible to sign up at a discounted price {and if you click through via the image at the top of this post or the one in the sidebar I will also receive a little benefit!}. Congratulations Raena!  I’ve sent you an email.

Connie has very kindly given us the opportunity to offer a complimentary membership to our readers! If you’d like to win, please leave a comment below including your name and email address.

And if you would also like to share either my workshop or 21 Secrets as a whole on your social media platform{s} of choice {with a link back to this post}, I will enter you twice. 🙂

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