It is not an exaggeration to say I spent about two days putting this baby together. I have never made a video in my life, and although like so many things, once you get a feel for it it actually isn’t too difficult, sweet mother getting to that point was painful!

I’ll spare you the details however and just present to you the outcome ~ a brief intro video for my course which is intended to inspire, pique interest, and generally give an idea of the feel of what I do and therefore what the course will be like.

Feel free to leave comments or questions below! {Please be gentle; I’m still in recovery from the stress of making it. ๐Ÿ˜‰ }

Or email me at No question is too small or too silly! The more I know about what might be holding you back or what you need to know more about, the better I can make the course for everyone who signs up. {And asking questions is not a commitment!}



Creative Spark: The Ecourse {ignite your inner artist} is currently in production and will be opening soon for registration. If youโ€™d like to learn more about who the course is for and what itโ€™s about, and to be kept updated with news and details of the earlybird registration, you can sign up HERE.