Oh, hi! Sorry to interrupt. 😊

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Morning dear creative people!

In the spirit of accountability {othewise known as scaring myself to death}, I am hereby announcing that I am working on creating an ecourse based around some of the ideas in my book, Creative Spark.

People frequently tell me that they wish they could express themselves creatively, but they’re ‘just not creative’, or they don’t know where to begin, or they have fears that prevent them from getting started. I know from the lovely emails and blog comments I receive that fear and bewilderment play a big part in Just Starting, and I also know I can help with that.


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If you’ve been here a while or know me in person, you’ll have heard me declare {sometimes quite vehemently} on more than one occasion that we are ALL creative, in all kinds of unique and glorious ways.  It is NOT about being able to draw an accurate likeness, it is about play, experimentation and self expression. I feel with my whole being that if more people knew how to tap into their own innate creativity with confidence, the world would be altogether a happier place.

Now, despite my grand statements, I’m not actually out to change the world {well, not all in one go}; however I have a body of knowledge and experience, a deep love for what I do and a strong desire to share it in a way that’s valuable. The book goes some way towards that, but an online course will allow me to be more hands on and reach more people than I can have in my studio.

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And so there will be, a few months from now, an online class specifically aimed at those who would love to try experimenting with simple step by step art techniques and ways to bring more creativity into their lives, but without the confidence or knowledge of where to begin. The working title is Creative Spark: The Ecourse {ignite your inner artist}, and I am busy pouring all my love and creativity into it to make this a really useful, valuable and fun class which will teach people how to tap into their own creativity and easily incorporate it into even busy lives.


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If this sounds like something you might be interested in and you would like to know more, you are very welcome to sign up for further information by clicking the link below. There is no obligation in signing up; it just means you will receive updates and will also be the first to know about earlybird registration.

I am aware that for some of you this will not apply as you’re already well acquainted with your own creative spark! If that’s the case, and you know of someone who may be looking for just this opportunity, please do forward this on to them.


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I really want to make this class something special. I am as ever grateful to have you on my team.


ps. As you can see I’ve been playing with logo ideas. I’d love feedback on these! At this point I do have a favourite but I’m also thinking about combining certain elements from each.

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