Creative Spark and vital accompaniments
{photo from Mel Leavey}
You may remember, in the not too distant past, there was a flurry of excitement round here when I finally published my book and then banged on about it till everyone started to feel quite exhausted/vengeful.
As an author I can use that kind of hyperbole now.
At this point I am overjoyed to report that there has been some fantastic feedback, and I’d like to share some of it here in case you have been on the fence about purchasing a copy and would like to know what other people’s experience of the book have been.
I know I always like to peruse the Amazon reviews when I’m book shopping; in amongst the haters and the completely unhelpful ‘I loved it’, there are always some nuggets that give me a vibe about whether or not the contents of the book are going to be for me. With that in mind I am sharing here some of the comments that have been made by discerning readers. 🙂
What people are saying…
“This book is an inspiration to anyone who may be on the fence over delving into any creative endeavor. I loved the way I felt motivated to paint again after reading it!!”
Lovely reader 🙂
“perfect for all creative genres and as useful to the beginner as it is to the seasoned artist”
“This book is a must-have for all creative people…it belongs on the studio bookshelf right beside all of the classics on creativity; in fact, when I’m not thumbing through its pages with ink-and-paint stained fingers, it’s right there with my copies of Writing Down The Bones and The War of Art.
Beautifully written and illustrated, with helpful chapter summaries and peppered with inspiring quotes, Tara offers up a powerful treatise on the nature of art and creativity — that it is our birthright as human beings, not some special dispensation for a chosen few. Taking that further, she provides tons of prompts and suggestions on how to face down the blank page/canvas, all the way through to trusting in the process, along with advice on moving through the ugly phases and wobbly bits, to the finished piece.
Not just for visual artists, this book is perfect for all creative genres and is as useful to the beginner as it is to the seasoned artist.”
ML, Canada
“your art will move to a better place because of it”
This book is EXACTLY what I needed to move myself out of a studio slump and push forward into a place of acceptance and patience with the process itself. Tara writes beautifully and honestly about how to give yourself creative freedom. Read this – I promise you won’t be disappointed and your art will move to a better place because of it.
Lovely reader 🙂
“a source of inspiration you will be able to go to over and over again”
“It makes you want to …live differently, more mindfully, by picking up a pen/brush for example and start making art. Because EVERYONE, really EVERYONE is creative in the one or other way , as Tara reminds us.
I love how the book combines insights and inspiring ideas (such as writing personal affirmations, finding a form of meditation, using a “Spark Jar”, in a personal yet open-minded way – so my copy happens to be full of sticky notes already.
I recommend this book no matter how much or little creativity is in your life SO FAR 🙂 …you will get a real treasure, a heart opener of sorts and a source of inspiration you will be able to go to over and over again.”
NM, Germany
“It’s a short little book, but it’s packed with wisdom.”
“This book does what it sets out to do. When I read it, I often want to set the book down and just go paint! It moves the reader away from the critical inner voice and draws us back into all the reasons we picked up a brush, clay or notebook in the first place. It’s a short little book, but it’s packed with wisdom.”
Wendy Molnar
“This book is beautiful! Both in appearance and in content. I’m an aspiring artist and a writer and I’m finding nuggets here that help me with both. A blank canvas and a blank page have LOTS in common!”
E. Adams, USA
Naturally I’m really happy that people are buying the book, and of course I’d like to get copies into the hands of the people who need it most. But the best part for me is to know that my words and experiences have helped {and will hopefully continue to help} inspire and encourage people out there to feel confident about experimenting with their creativity and integrating it into their daily lives.
I’ve been told the book makes a great gift; several people have purchased two copies, one for themselves and one for a friend ~ endless ways to spread the goodness.
PS. If you’d like a free sample chapter, you can download it here as an audio, or here as a PDF.
Thrilled for you Tara.
Thank you so much Galia! x
So glad the book has been such a success Tara. I will stop by your Etsy shop as soon as I’m done my major blog catch up!