Inspired by Francoise de Felice - a series featuring artists whose work inspires me to develop my own

My ‘Inspired By’ posts began as a way to explore what makes me tick as an artist, what I’m drawn to, what makes my heart sing, what I might want to try out in terms of marks or colour combinations or compositions. They are also a way for me to share the work of artists whose work I love. I don’t advocate copying other artists instead of making our own work, however inspiring they are to us, but I do believe that we can learn from each other on our solitary artist journeys. This website is dedicated to the philosophy that you have a significant and unique offering inside you, waiting to be released. I created a course to help you with this very thing, which you can find over here inside the Happy Artist Studio Membership. May you be inspired to bring forth what’s within you!

Francoise de Felice, I have learned from her website ~ despite my tenuous grasp on the French language ~ is half French, half Italian, and lives in Paris. Her impossibly romantic name and heritage are reflected in her ethereal paintings.


I don’t often feature portrait work in my Love It posts, but I recently signed up to Misty Mawn’s Face to Face class, wanting to learn how to incorporate faces into my work in a not too ‘in your face’ way, so to speak, and Francoise’s beautiful soft images really reflect that for me.

Bord de mer

I love the way her paintings fade out at the edges, the soft colours and dreamy atmosphere, and the feel of days gone by.


To make such expressions with seemingly so few marks and colours is fascinating to me. I love the combination of detail and looseness, always something I am drawn to in paintings.


The soft palette also reflects my newly born desire for softness and lightness of touch in my own work. I am soaking up these beautiful paintings while I consider how I want to show such feelings in my own.



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