It’s not really a poem, not really a manifesto, not just a list. The words came to me while I was on the beach and I guess part of not having a name for what this is is part of allowing it to be fluid, and not to become a set of rules or a to do list. Just to keep it simple and clean.

It’s that time of year when I seem to become more contemplative and introspective {if that’s possible!}, when I start thinking about the fresh start a new year affords and all that potential waiting to be unleashed. Yay!

So as much as I’m not into partying my way into the new year, I am into giving it to myself as an opportunity. I’ve been clearing out my home and myself on all levels, making space, and as always I’m approaching the turning of the cycle with anticipation and enthusiasm for the potential that next year holds. Or, more accurately, for what I can create on its blank canvas.

And these are some {very laid back, unpressured, non committal} ideas. Less a striving to be more and better, than a ‘what I might uncover in myself’, perhaps.


brain less, heart more

doubt less, trust more

fear less, courage more

resist less, allow more

‘yes but’ less, ‘yes and’ more

do less, be more

try less, allow more

grip less, breathe more

project less, moment-to-moment more

think less, feel more

judge less, accept more

denial less, truth more

‘should’ less, ‘could’ more

force less, grace more

succumb less, surrender more

achievement less, fulfilment more

give more, receive more

love more love more love more


I’ll be choosing my word for the year soon; I already have a shortlist! It’s the kind of tune the geek in me sings to.