Oh, hi! Sorry to interrupt. 😊

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So I’ve lived in my flat for just under a year, and I thought it might be time for a little bit of Before and After. Of course there are still things I’d like to do, but it’s at a stage now where I’m ready to do some show and tell! Yeah.

So in no particular order….

living room and kitchen area before
living room and kitchen area after
View from stairs into main hall before…
hall and stairs before
And now (yeah, not quite so proud of that one…) :hall and stairs after
Living room before…

living room before

And now:living room after
Living room from kitchen before…
living room from the kitchen before
And now:kitchen to living room after
Kitchen before…
kitchen before
And now:kitchen after
Studio before…
studio before
And now (oh dear lord):
studio after
studio after
Roof terrace before…
roof terrace before
Roof terrace (from inside) before…
roof terrace before
And that’s all you get of the roof terrace, because everything has died. I blame the heatwave.

Top landing (or, as I like to call it, ‘The Library’) before…

top landing before
And now:top landing after
Main bathroom before…
bathroom before
And now (in two shots):bathroom after
bathroom after
Master bedroom before…master bedroom before
And now (oh no, just spotted crap still under the bed):
master bedroom after
Master bedroom before…
master bedroom before
And now:master bedroom aftermaster bedroom after

master bedroom after

Phew! I hope you enjoyed this little tour. 🙂 It took flipping ages to put together! But I’m so happy to see how it’s turned out; it really feels like mine now. Tomorrow if you can bear it, I’d like to take you on a tour of some of the details. Just a little one. 🙂