So here’s the thing. For ages now I’ve wanted to do one of those amazing looking art retreats they seem to have an abundance of over in the States. I’ve wistfully read about other people’s magical experiences at places with names like Squam or An Artful Journey, or ArtFest.
They gather at beautiful venues and are taught by talented and inspiring artists, surrounded by creative like minded souls, and wished I could do that too. I’ve wondered why outside of America all art holidays seem to be for retired people who want to do watercolours. (Nothing against that, but I am neither retired nor a watercolourist.)
And then I’d probably do a little sigh, and put it in the box in my head called ‘One Day’, and move onto the next thing.
I was cruising the web last night for images by Flora Bowley in order to do a Love It post on her (more on her later), when I stumbled on Do What You Love. A quick, slightly breathless scan revealed that at last someone is doing a US style art retreat over here in the UK! That someone is Beth Nicholls, an artist, entrepreneur and lover of those particular retreats who decided it was high time to bring them here.I knew straight away that I HAD to do this, even though it’s taking an enormous chunk out of my emergency savings, but if this isn’t an emergency I don’t know what is! So I booked it, before I’d even read all the information; I thought – there is no way I’m losing out on this, I will regret it for the rest of my life; so I paid my deposit, chose my room, and I’m in!
Here’s the lowdown:
~ A series of creative enterprise sessions, including advice and inspiration from successful business owners and innovators
~ Small group action learning sets, where you can share your creative enterprise ideas, learn from each other and support each others’ dreams
~ Four nights’ luxury accommodation in contemporary eco-lodges nestled into the hillside, overlooking the stunning Yorkshire Dales

god you lucky thing i also wanted to go so bad but its quite pricy i really want to its not that far from where i live ..x
Tara, thank you so much for such a wonderful post. I have no doubt that it will be one of the most important investments you ever make in yourself and I just know you are going to love it!
Hey Tara! Remember me? (Becca from Jamie's sculpture place…although I only met you once!)
This sounds amazing, I will look forward to reading about all of your adventures!
I came back to blogspot just to see what you're up to….and to say that I have a tumblr with my work on now! Haha for some reason I just didn't get on with blogspot, hence the empty void of my page…
anyway, my url is I hope you can check it out sometime 🙂 xxx
YAY!!! I am so happy for you and can't wait to hear all about it. It will be amazing!
OMG I can't believe you actually went and did it!! I know you are going to love every minute and I am so jealous!!
I can't wait to hear about all your adventures ;o)
Hi Tara – am just about to do the same thing….. I have yet to convince my husband that this is a worthy spending of money. In fact the only way I can do this is to prove I can earn enough over the next few months to show that its ok for me to spend so much. Big challenge!! I totally love Flora Bowley – and was totally over excited when I saw that Beth was getting her to do a workshop in the UK. And likewise have been drooling over Artfest, Squam etc. And actually really wanted to set one up myself, just so I could go to one. I still might do something similar! Anyway. Will be seeing you there. Keep in touch!
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
Becca – so lovely to hear from you! Can't find a place to leave comments on your Tumblr page so hope you come back and leave contact details sometime!
get stuff done – if you come back and see this, I'd love to see your blog if you have one but nothing's coming up…. 🙂 Please definitely keep in touch though!
Those pictures, that description….oh my gosh….a bit jealous here 😉
You're gonna have the best time!!!