Haven’t done one of these for ages.
And why I haven’t done one on Mae is a total mystery to me, as she is easily in my top five fave artists of all time ever. Her use of layers, texture, text, photographs, collage and acrylic are obviously my exact cup of tea. 🙂
I do also a little bit wish I WAS her – cool name, hugely talented, and judging by her Etsy shop, very successful too!
A while back I bought a print of her beautiful To Be Brave piece, which is now hanging in my hall by the stairs and making me happy every time I walk past it.
A painting with aqua all over it, water in it and text on it – what more do I need?
And thanks to signing up to her Facebook page I just discovered a 20% discount for today (on top of her sale) and am treating myself to this one:
Lord, I even love the girl’s wall colour! Have a look at her beautiful, simple blog here.
think you are going to get a lot of satisfaction from walking by that on a daily basis 😉