Two photos, neither of which shows it quite right. But I bet we all have a friend like this 😉 And if you don’t, that means it’s you…..!
Just kidding. 😉
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Jun 3, 2010 | 0 comments
Two photos, neither of which shows it quite right. But I bet we all have a friend like this 😉 And if you don’t, that means it’s you…..!
Just kidding. 😉
Welcome, artist friend!
I'm Tara, an artist, teacher, author, mentor, and all round creative encourager living by the sea in Cornwall in the UK.
I'm the creator of the Happy Artist Studio, an artist membership providing practical, process oriented guidance to support you in building a sustainable and fulfilling happy artist life.
If you're looking for confidence, clarity, and freedom of expression in your art, that's what we do around here. It's all about making art that looks and feels like YOU.
Thank you for visiting and welcome aboard!