Yowser. I had this secret thing with myself that once I reached 100 followers I’d do a little giveaway. I thought it might take the better part of this year for that to happen so am totally unprepared for the fact that it happened, er, today.

I’m feeling sort of shy about doing a giveaway but I am so touched by having any followers at all, and I couldn’t think of any other way to show my gratitude apart from boringly just saying thank you.

I’m suddenly being very English about this and not entirely sure why anyone would want to ‘win’ something I’ve made, and I’m just keeping it small as I’m a total giveaway virgin, but if you’d like to receive the following, please leave a comment (as explained below) and I’ll do a draw on Feb 7th.

So I’m thinking, if your name is picked on Feb 7th, I will send you three postcards of your choice from my burgeoning collection, a keyring:and a lavender bag set:all made by me obviously, and I’ll throw in some secret extra goodies too. Just leave a comment saying which three postcards you would choose and anything else you feel like saying, and good luck! Oh, and international visitors welcome!

I wish I could send you all something really, but I’m supposed to be preparing for an open house (more on this another time) and am sorely behind on that front. (Just call me Tara ‘Unprepared’ Leaver.)