Calm from Chaos
a peaceful art workshopThis workshop is now available inside the Happy Artist Studio!
Click here to find out more and join!
Making art is an excellent antidote to feeling frazzled and overwhelmed
And often the best time to do it is exactly when you don’t think you have time. 🙂
This bitesized workshop is about creating pockets of calm in our busy lives using art as our well filling tool. It feels so counterintuitive to add something else to an already hectic day, and yet all we need is fifteen minutes to pause and spend some time doing what we love to stay a little saner in an often crazy world.
Those pockets are cumulative. Fifteen minutes a few times a week starts to build a creative force field that sustains us;
- the more art we make…
- the more we’re thinking about art…
- the more ideas we have…
- the more enthusiasm and inspiration we gather…
- the more we want to make the time for art…
- the calmer and more fulfilled we are…
- the more the unnecessary falls away…
- the more space we have for living, and the more we have to give back in our relationships, work and lives.

We resist and procrastinate because it feels indulgent, or irresponsible, or not the most efficient use of our time, especially when there’s so much else to do just to keep life ticking along.
Labelling our loves like that is an effective way to keep us ‘safe’ {small, not standing out, not shifting the status quo}, but it doesn’t make us happy. We give to others as though we were somehow exempt from needing or deserving such outrageous generosity as fifteen minutes of art.
Calm from Chaos is an offering of three pockets. It was originally part of the Spectrum 2016 series organised by Hali Karla, and is now available as part of the Happy Artist Studio.
What the workshop will give you

Three videos of 12 minutes or less arriving via email over three days

A simple and fun process to follow to keep things easy

Create something satisfying with a few materials and very little time

A multisensory experience to bring you down out of your head and back into your body
This workshop is now available inside the Happy Artist Studio. Click the button below to learn more and join!
What students say
“There is a lot of teaching stuff out there but i simply love your lessons and all of the freedom they make me feel.”
“I have done all your free videos and courses and it has already made such a huge difference to my art and given me much confidence and pure joy in making art without the anxiety.“